February 27, 2012

Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies

It's been a bit hard for me to be all day at home instead of studying, I'm spending my days looking for schools that can accept international students but the truth is that I'm tired of being rejected. The first time I was really sad but then I realized that I could do more and I didn't gave up so to feel better I began cooking, I can forget about everything while cooking and I can relax for a while, nothing like making cookies and hearing your dad or sister that they love them and watching them devour everything, that's comforting and it makes me happy

- 3 c. of flour
- 250 gr. of unsalted butter, softened
- 200 gr. of sugar
- 1/2 tablespoon of baking powder
- 1 egg and 1 egg yolk
- 1/4 c. of milk
- 1 tablespoon of vanilla
- a pinch of salt

1. In a medium bowl combine flour, salt and baking powder. Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy, add vanilla, egg and egg yolk. Stir in the flour mixture and enough milk to make a soft dough, refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Make small balls and put them in a prepared pan, press them with your thumbs.

2. Bake them at 360°F for about 12 minutes or until light brown, meanwhile unwrap your chocolates.

3. Remove from the oven and immediately put the chocolate in the middle, pressing a little bit. It will begin to melt but try hard not to eat them right away, you will burn as I did.

*Tip: if you make this recipe you will end up with almost 50 cookies, you can refrigerate half of the dough and use it another day, enjoy!


  1. Aww searching for colleges is stressful hard stuff but you'll find the perfect one, I promise!

    And in the meantime...there are always thumbprints. So tasty.

  2. So adorable these are! They are absolutely perfect looking.

    I'm sorry you're having a difficult time finding a good college - and yes, baking and cooking are totally therapeutic.

    1. it really is but the only bad thing about it is that now my family will gain weight haha

  3. Keep trying and I'm sure things will work out for you. Have you considered including the URL for your blog on your CV? I think admissions officers would be completely charmed.

    Great photos, as always. They really brought me back. When I was a child my grandmother always baked dozens and dozens of cookies for Christmas (sometimes I helped), a peanut butter version of these was always my favorite. I'm sure they taste delicious!

    1. thanks a lot! it's actually a good idea and I will do it, I've never made them with peanut butter but since they are in my baking list I will sure make them

  4. I am sure you will get into the perfect school, I bet the baking helps you too:)

  5. I love thumbprint cookies! Delicious. Thanks for sharing on Crazy Sweet Tuesday!

  6. Our family loves thumbprint cookies, and yours look so adorable. Your photos are always beautiful and creative. Good luck with the school search!

  7. They are so cute! With the chocolate on top look gorgeous!:) Good luck with the school!:)

  8. oh yum!! i love these kinds of cookies, they look adorable!

  9. Cute perfect and delicious looking cookies..

  10. Oh Beti, these cookies look great, love the chocolate on top and I can almost feel the cookie melting in my mouth...beautiful pictures as always.
    Hope you are having a wonderful week :)
    By the way, shiso in spite of being from a mint family, does not taste like mint, it is very hard to describe the flavor of this herb...I hope you can try one day.

    1. I really need to find it, but I've looked in almost every market and store, they don't even know that it exists maybe when I go to USA I will find it but thanks

  11. Keep trying, Beti, you will find a school that you love, I'm sure. My husband's grandmother always made these at Christmas time - so delicious!

  12. Don't lose heart. The right school will be found and it will have been worth the wait.

    Your cookies look delicious...lovely this kind of comfort food!

  13. First of all, your cookies are adorable. Second, keep your chin up. I am confident that you will find the right college. I like what J said. Be sure to include on your admissions application your blog url. Best of luck to you!

    1. I know it really is a good idea and thanks you!

  14. Good lucking finding your right school. It isn't easy, but I am sure the right one will be happy to have you (if they know what is good for them.) Your thumbprints sound delicious.

    When you visit my blog you will see that I posted an award for you!

    1. thanks for the motivation, I will go and check it :)

  15. Aw how cute! We don't have hershey's kisses here, but I guess I could use plain chocolate chips :)

    1. or you can also use nutella or ganache or a chocolate frosting... now I'm hungry

  16. first time in ur space n i absolutely loved it !these cookies look so adorable n delicious.....I just love ur presentation n ur beautiful clicks....following ur space now...do visit my space in ur free time :-)

  17. Cooking rights me too and if I'm feeling off, a session in the kitchen helps! Good luck getting a place at a school :)

  18. Beti, I know what you mean about cooking taking away worries and distractions, I'm the same way! Love these perfect looking cookies, hope just the right door opens for you with your schooling!

  19. I like that the chocolate drops look like little hats hehe x

  20. I love kiss cookies! Perfect pick me up! Don't get down, it'll all work out. My daughter is going through college apps now for undergrad. Very overwhelming. I should make your cookies for her.
    Good luck, Beti!

    1. I hope that she finds a great schoool, she will love this cookies

  21. These cookies look fantastic! Poor girl i know what you mean about looking for schools as an international student. Many of my friends were international students in melbourne and they said that it was quite hard to find schools too.

    Have some more cookies, cheer up and try again :D All the BEST!

    1. it really is hard but sadly there are no cookies left I kinda ate them all haha

  22. These are all time favorites. I love having my family love my food. When all is down that feeling warms me to the core.

  23. Such scrumptious cookies with the kisses in the middle! Baking (and eating the yummies) is such a comfort!

  24. Se ven padrísimas y el chocolate estaba derretido en la parte de abajo, yummi!

  25. Oh, I am a sucker for these - only homemade. Just delicious little sweets!

  26. I wish you luck with finding the right school for yourself. I love the cookies, they look yummy.

  27. Oh, these look fabulous!!! Fingers crossed you'll find the perfect school soon. xo

  28. I've made these before, but the recipe I had didn't work out too well. This one, however, turned out amazing! My whole family attacked these cookies with gusto! :D Thanks for a great recipe!

  29. this is great. l have been thinking a lot about this kind of cookie. When I was a kid my Mom would make these we would all go sled riding on the few days my Dad had off. I don't know how to use grams in measurement's. It was nice to see this anyway. Thank you.


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