October 1, 2011

Petit Fours

I got the idea of making Petit Fours from Bakerella, I kinda changed them a little bit and they weren't as hard to make as she said, they turned out really nice.

- 1 square vanilla cake or pound cake
- 1/2 c. strawberry or apricot jam

Poured Fondant:
- 3 c. icing sugar
- 1/4 c. corn syrup
- 1/4 c. water
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla

1. Cut the cake in small squares and then cut them in half. Add a teaspoon of jam inside and cover it, make sure that it doesn't spill. Refrigerate them while you make the poured fondant.

2. Make the poured fondant by putting all the ingredients on medium-low heat until everything is mixed together. Take each square and put it over a wire rack, with a spoon take some of the fondant and pour it over the top, finish covering the sides with the spoon DO NOT dip them in the poured fondant (trust me).

[ this is what you get if you pour the fondant over the top and cover the rest with a spoon ]

[ this is what you get is you dip them in the poured fondat ]

3. Let them set fot a while until the fondat is hard, then decorate them with chocolate frosting or anything you  want. (while covering them with the fondant, if it starts to get hard just add more water)

*Tips: make the cake a day before and leave it in the fridge over night, this will make it easier to cut the squares. You can cut the cake in half, put the jam and then cut the squares but I like to make each one individually. To have a smooth looking fondant is hard, Bakerella said that dipping them was hard and it really is, if you make them the same way as I did you won't have trouble.


  1. Estan tan bonitos, que da lástima comerlos, pero... bueno, los probaré :)

  2. O my God, so tasty!

    Here you have a recipe for an omelette ;):

    1 / 4 cup flour
    1 / 4 cup milk
    tablespoon sugar
    big banana
    2 tablespoons raisins
    powdered sugar for sprinkling
    butter for frying

    Raisins scalding with boiling water, banana cut into cubes. Proteins separated from the yolks and slaughtered them with sugar to stiff foam. Yolk mixes with the milk and flour. Mix gently but thoroughly both mass and throw into them raisins and banana. On the hot skillet melt the butter, and pour the mass. Fry until the gold color and on the end cut it into smaller parts.

    Sorry for mistakes. ;)

  3. Thanks for your comment! your recipes look amazing!

    following u :)


  4. Those look amazing! I love petit fours :)

    New follower!


  5. These are really cute and perfect! Yum! These treats look divine!

  6. I'm your newest fan.
    These also look incredible!
    Kerri at HollyMuffin


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